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The output is shown in two sections:

  • Interactions: This section contains a table containing the SMILES, 2D representation, and their identified interactions as shown in Figure 2. The rows can be filtered based on any of the column attributes.
MoleculeGEN Lift Filter Image

Figure 2: Table of Interactions of the input set of SMILES with the protein

For interaction-based filtering, two formats are available (refer to Figure 3)
(1) by selecting from a dropdown of known interactions in the output
(2) by manually entering the interaction type, residue number, name, and chain

MoleculeGEN Lift Filter ImageMoleculeGEN Lift Filter Image

Figure 3: Selection of desired interactions using the “Filter Interactions” option

After selecting the interactions, the filtered table is shown, with the chosen filters highlighted in green (Figure 4):

MoleculeGEN Lift Filter Image

Figure 4: Filtered Output with highlighted interactions

  • Conserved Signature: This table lists the interactions that are common across all ligands, i.e. each input ligand shows the given interactions with the protein, as shown in Figure 5.
MoleculeGEN Lift Filter Image

Figure 5: Example of Conserved Signature obtained in LIFT Filter